Ruby Regexp Machine (v0.3.2b)

By Vishnu Menon



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Ruby Regexp Machine (RRM) is a free mac application, written in MacRuby, which allows users to write sentences in plain English and convert them into valid ruby regular expressions. Currently, it supports many basic parts of Regexp syntax, but is far from complete.  RRM is useful to people learning how to use regular expressions, and can help show the connection between the regexp syntax and its meaning. When using RRM, it is helpful, though not necessary, to have a basic/minimal knowledge of regular expressions beforehand, as some outputs could be incorrect. NEVER rely solely on RRM to generate regular expressions; always verify that any regexps generated in RRM work as intended. Rubular is a great place to test regular expressions. Regular Expressions generated in RRM are largely compatible with many other languages, such as Perl. Ruby Regexp Machine is licensed under GPL.




Ruby Regexp Machine uses a modified English grammar for input, which is largely similar to Standard English and is extremely easy to understand and use. However, there are some rules that must be followed, and keywords that must be used, to ensure proper output. Using any word that is not a literal string, a keyword, or a number will result in an error message. Please read over these rules carefully before using RRM.


Usage Notes:

á      No punctuation except those defined as keywords below

á      No double quotes/quotation marks; all literal strings and characters must be surrounded by Ô Ô (single quotes or apostrophes)

á      No keyboard shortcuts (right click to copy or paste)

á      Capitalization does not matter


Recognized Keyword Combinations (in no particular order):





Any (word, digit, whitespace, string)

Matches any word, digit, etc.É

any string => .*

any digit => \d

any character (except, from)

creates character classes. Can use a rang of characters, or characters to be excluded, or nothing

any character => .

any character except ÔaÕ and ÔcÕ => [^ac]

any character from ÔaÕ – ÔzÕ => [a-z]

- (hyphen)

the hyphen denotes a range, and is to be used only in character classes (see above)

any character from ÔAÕ – ÔZÕ => [A-Z]

a (space, line start, line end, string start, string end)

A single space, line start, etc.É

a space => ( )

a line start => ^

the (word, character, string)

adds the word, character, or string that follows to the regular expression. Optional

the string Ôhello worldÕ => hello world

the value of

group keywords, without capturing contents or making a backreference

the value of É.. =>  (?: É.. )

followed by

look ahead for the following, but do not capture

followed by the word ÔfooÕ  => (?=foo)                                   

followed by not

look ahead for the following to not be present, but do not capture

followed by not the word ÔfooÕ => (?!foo)

preceded by

look behind for the following, but do not capture

preceded by the word ÔfooÕ => (?<=foo)

preceded by not

look behind for the following to not be present, but do not capture

preceded by not the word ÔfooÕ => (?<!foo)

turn (off, on) (case insensitive, whitespace insensitive, any character includes newline)

toggle the three options for the remainder of the regex, or until otherwise indicated

turn off case insensitive => (?-i)

turn on case insensitive => (?i)


groups keywords, captures result in regular expression, creates a backreference

capture É. => (É.)

eitherÉ. or

two options, surrounded by parenthesis

either foo or bar => (foo|bar)


group everything between the last grouping keyword (ex. Ôthe value ofÕ, ÔcaptureÕ ) and the current location

the value of É.. all  => (É)

repeated .. to .. times

the preceding item repeated a range of times. Infinity is used for no limit on either the upper or lower range. Use to instead of – (hyphen) for the ÔrepeatedÕ keyword

repeated 2 to 4 times => {2,4}

repeated 2 to infinity => {2,}


separates two parts of the statement, adds a closing grouper if necessary

any character except ÔcÕ then the character ÔdÕ => [^c]d


same as then, but does not close groupers

any character except ÔcÕ and the character ÔdÕ => [^cd]


makes the preceding item non-greedy. Regular expressions are by default greedy, meaning they will try to consume as much text as possible

any character zero or more times => .* => first match in ÔssssÕ will be ÔssssÕ

any character zero or more times non-greedy => .*? => first match in ÔssssÕ will be ÔsÕ


the preceding item is optional

the string ÔcoloÕ  and the character ÔuÕ  optional and the character ÔrÕ => colou?r => matches both color and colour

backreference (1.. 9)

refers to the captures # 1 through 9

capture any character then the character Ô=Õ then backreference 1 => (.)=\1 => matches 1=1, 2=2, but not 4=5

zero or more times,  zero or one times, one or more times

shorthand for the repeated keyword (only these three versions work). Result in more concise regular expressions

any character zero or more times => .*


Example: a regular expression to identify email addresses, and capture the username and domain



capture any character except '@' and any whitespace all one or more times then '@' then capture the value of any character from 'a' - 'z' and '0' - '9' and the character '-' all one or more times then the character '.' all one or more times then any character from 'a' - 'z' all repeated '2' to infinity times










V0.3.1 – Embed Macruby Framework in Application

v0.3.2 – fixed Capitalization issues



© Copyright 2011 - Vishnu Menon. All Rights Reserved